What is Iris Analysis ?

Iris Analysis, powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a scientific assessment of 100 Billion Neurons of a person’s brain that reveals the Pre-natal Unique Abilities & Inherent Talent of the person.
Brain is the only organ which is directly connected with our eyes. A nerve that connects our eyes with our brain is called Optical Nerve.
Iris Analysis, also known as Iridology; is the scientific study of the patterns on the Iris, the colored part of your eyes. Iris Analysis is a scientifically proven concept that can provide accurate information about a person's Mental Abilities and Inherent Qualities.

Dr Auther

Key findings of Iris Analysis

  • ProMotors - Icon Square Pre-natal Unique Abilities
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Inherent Talent
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Brain Lobe’s Strength & Weakness
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Personality & Behavior
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Intelligence & Emotional Level
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Recommended Subject & Stream
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Recommended Careers
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Corporate Abilities
Dr Auther

Father of Iris Analysis ?

  • ProMotors - Icon Square Dr Ignatz von Peczely, a Hungarian Doctor (January 26, 1826 – July 14, 1911) is titled as the Father of Iris Analysis.
  • ProMotors - Icon Square While still a child he accidentally broke the leg of an owl. He noticed a black mark appearing in the owl’s eye, which over time changed in form and shading.
  • ProMotors - Icon Square After noticing a spot in the owl's eye he hypothesized a link between the two and later tested this theory with other animals and people.
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Dr Auther

Research on Iris Analysis

  • ProMotors - Icon Square Eye Movements : A Window on Mind and Brain
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Passive Eye Monitoring : Algorithms, Applications and Experiments (Signals and Communication Technology)
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Eye Gaze in Intelligent User Interfaces : Gaze-based Analyses, Models and Applications
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Eye Tracking : A Guide for Applied Linguistics Research
  • ProMotors - Icon Square The NLP Eye Accessing Clues
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Eye-brain connections revealed by multimodal retinal and brain imaging genetics in the UK Bio-bank
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Anatomical Evidence for the Neural Connection from the Emotional Brain to Autonomic Innervation in the Anterior Chamber Structures of the Eye
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Assembly and repair of eye-to-brain connections
  • ProMotors - Icon Square Handbook of Pediatric Retinal OCT and the Eye-Brain Connection, 1st Edition through the eyes into the brain, using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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