
Exam :  American Research Institute of Dermis & Genetic Evaluation conducts fully automated online exam to become a  “Certified Iris Analyst & Counsellor”  

Exam Mode : Online,  Duration : 60 Minutes,  Result : Automatic & instantly,

Minimum Passing Marks : 75 %, Reappearance : 1st Time Free and thereafter with a Fee of 300 US % 

Training Mode : 1. Pre-recorded video 2. Online Love Training on Zoom



Certification : Immediately after submitting your exam, if you pass, then your provisional certificate is generated automatically and instantly and uploaded on website also.  And your original certificate is mailed to you in next 7 working days.

Your certificate will bear your unique Registration No.

Certificate Verification : Anybody can verify your certificate by entering the Registration Number in the search bar of “Verify Certification” given on the website of ARIDGE

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Exam Fee & Process, Type-I

Fee & Process for Iris Analyst & Counselor Exam with Self-study through Video Course (US$ 2,222)


  • Register yourself for Iris Analyst & Counselor Exam by paying a Fee of US$ 2,222. You can avail the Scholarship if you have qualified for that.

  • Post Registration, you will receive the training material in the form of video course and sample test paper.

  • Complete your training within 7 days of Registration through video course

  • Your Registration is valid for  7 days after receiving the Video Course. You must  login to your account and appear in your online exam of Iris Analyst & Counselor within 7 days of receiving the the video course

  • Exam Details : Duration will be 1 hour, 100 MCQs and the result is auto-declared and instant

  • Minimum Passing Marks in Iris Analyst & Counselor’s Exam is  75 %

  • YIf you pass your exam with minimum 75 % marks then your provisional Certificate will be auto-generated with your Registration No. and you will become USA Certified Iris Analyst & Counselor.

  • You can verify your certificate on institute’s website by entering your Registration No.ou will receive your original certificate within 7 working days of passing your exam

  • Eligibility Criteria  :  Minimum age : 25 years  and Minimum qualification : Graduation

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Exam Fee & Process, Type-II

Fee & Process for Iris Analyst & Counselor Exam with Live online Training on Zoom (US$ 3,333)


  • Register yourself for Iris Analyst & Counselor Exam with live online training on Zoom; by paying a Fee of US$ 3,333. You can avail the Scholarship if you have qualified for that

  • Post Registration, you will your training will start. This will be a live online training on Zoom. 2 hours everyday for next 7 days

  • Your Registration is valid for  7 days after completing your training, within 7 days of completing the training, you must  login to your account and appear in an online exam of Iris Analyst & Counselor

  • Exam Details : Duration will be 1 hour, 100 MCQs and the result is auto-declared and instant

  • Minimum Passing Marks in Iris Analyst & Counselor’s Exam is  75 %

  • If you pass your exam with minimum 75 % marks then your provisional Certificate will be auto-generated with your Registration No. and you will become USA Certified Iris Analyst & Counselor.

  • You can verify your certificate on institute’s website by entering your Registration No.

  • You will receive your original certificate within 7 working days of passing your exam

  • Eligibility Criteria  :  Minimum age : 25 years  and Minimum qualification : Graduation

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  • For some of the scholars or needy candidates, we occasionally run the scholarship program

  • Scholarship program is generally once in a year only. In first week of April

  • If scholarship program is open then to avail the scholarship benefits, the candidate must register himself/herself for ongoing scholarship program by paying the scholarship registration fee of 300 US$

  • After registration, candidate will have to appear in a online exam for scholarship.

  • The scholarship exam will have aptitude based 100 questions, all Multiple Choice Question

  • All the questions will be based on Aptitude, Logical-Reasoning and Language Proficiency

  • The Duration of scholarship exam will be 60 minutes

  • Based on the performance, the candidate will be eligible for scholarship

  • If you score 50 % to 75 % in your scholarship exam then you get an Scholarship of 25 %

  • If you score 76 % to 100 % in your scholarship exam then you get an Scholarship of 50 %

  • Based on the performance, the candidate will be eligible for scholarship

  • Based on the performance, the candidate will be eligible for scholarship

Register for Scholarship

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